New CECI CD “Sing with Ceci, Vol.”2” Release! 各種サービスで配信開始!
CECI オリジナルソング販売開始
CECI original songs NEW RELEASE!
このたび下のサイトで CECI オリジナルソング !!
【Sing with Ceci Vol 2】の販売が開始されました!
★Tik Tokは好きなセシの曲名を検索してぜひ面白いビデオを撮ってみてくださいね♪
Parts of the Body Song はこちらから↓
New CECI album release!!
“Sing with Ceci, Vol 2” is now available with all the CECI songs, our little ones love!
Check out the sites below!
Most of these songs are used usually during CECI lessons so please take this opportunity to spend a wonderful home time listening and dancing together with your children!
★For TikTok, please go to the the “sounds” search box and put the title of your favorite CECI song and make a funny video with it ♪
After that send us a link!! We will give special presents to the best videos!! Enjoy!!
Click here to see some hilarious videos using CECI’s “Numbers Song” ↓
Click here to see some hilarious videos using CECI’s “Parts of the Body Song” ↓